Central Indiana Trout Unlimited

Central Indiana Trout Unlimited
Help us out

Central Indiana Trout Unlimited (CITU) attracts members, as the name might suggest, from the Central Indiana area. Members come from the Seymour/Columbus area, Indianapolis and the surrounding counties. Our e-mail address is browntrout@centralindianatudotorg

Becoming a Member: The only requirement is membership in Trout Unlimited. There are no other dues or fees. Go to http://www.tu.org for more information. If you are already a member and would like to join our chapter ask TU to transfer you to Central Indiana TU Chapter 699. We receive an annual rebate for each member in our chapter. The funds are used to support chapter activities and for trout stocking projects at Eagle and Sugar Creek.

New members should join using: http://www.tu.org/join699CentralIndiana

Follow us on Instagram: centralindianatu

Officers & Directors: Jeff Harmeyer,  Ray Morris, Todd Settle, Nick Schroeder, Joe Thurston, David Lies.

President: Nick Schroeder 812 525-3080 e-mail: njschroeder2358@gmaildotcom

Treasurer: Todd Settle (even though Jeff blows a flat note every time he reads this he may be the best fisherman in Southern Central Indiana)

Events Coordinator: Ray Morris e-mail: ray_morris3@hotmaildotcom
Youth Outreach and Save our Streams Coordinator: David Lies

Our Brown Trout Experts:  Sal And Mo Trutta  Sal's motto:  "Don't fish like my brother."


CITU started stocking brown trout at the tailwater in 2001. Below is a history of the amount date, and size of the stockings. Since 2007 the brown trout are provided by the Wolf Creek Fish Hatchery and are transported by IDNR to the tailwater for release.
Stocking History:

May 2001  2000 7-8 inch fish
Oct 2001   2000 3-4 inch fish
May 2002   2000 5-6 inch fish
May 2003   500 6-7, 1000 7-8, 500 8-9 inch fish
April 2004   2000 4-6 inch fish
May 2005   2600 6-8 inch fish
May 2006  2600 6-8 inch fish

CITU has also partnered to stock rainbow trout into Eagle Creek for a delayed harvest trout fishery.
